AFP to Image Converter and AFP Conversion Suite enable users to convert AFP pages to various image formats, such as PNG, TIFF, BMP, JPEG, GIF, PCX, PSD, FAX, PPM, PGM, PNM, PBM.
Image Format option is to select the subcategory of a specified image format.
Image Resolution is to define the resolution of images. The horizontal and vertical resolution might not necessarily be identical.
Enable anti-aliasing option is to enable smoothing for text and/or graphics. By default this option is disabled.
Alpha Bits is the bit value of the alpha channel, which is usually 1, 2, or 4. The default value is 4.
Rotate image option is to rotate AFP pages to align with the orientation of the AFP document, and this option can be Rotate All, Rotate Page By Page, or Rotate None. By default, it's Rotate All.
File Name Pattern option is to define how the output file name looks like. <FileName> stands for the file name without any file extension, <PageNumberPadding> is the page number suffix in certain length as defined in Page Number Padding Width. For example, if you set Page Number Padding Width to 3, and the page number suffix will start indexing from 001, and end till 999. Here if the File Name Pattern is <FileName><PageNumberPadding>.png, and if the input AFP file is named Invoice.AFP, and the output PCL file name will be Invoice001.png, Invoice002.png, ... until the last AFP page number.