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Folder Options

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In Folder Options you are required to specify the Input Folder and Output Folder.


Input Folder is a folder monitored by the AFP Transform Server program, and once an AFP file is found in this folder, it will be taken out for processing. After it is transformed by the AFP Transform Server it turns out to be another format, and will be placed in the Output Folder.


Keep tree structure for output files: this option enables the output PDF files to be created with hierarchical folder structure in the target folder.


Delete AFP file after conversion: the source AFP file will be deleted once it is converted to other format.


Enable logging: Specify a log file, and analyze logged key events in the log file.




Append date and time to output file name: Once this feature is enabled, output file name will be appended with a sequence of date and time information. For example, suppose you convert AFP document to TXT, and your AFP document is named Report.AFP, and the output file name would be Report_20110815_155305_929.txt rather than Report.txt. Here the suffix is _20110815_155305_929, 2011 is the year, 08 is month, 15 is the day, 155305 stands for 15:53:05 (hour:minute:second), 929 is the milliseconds.