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Configuring IPDS Print Server

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This chapter introduces how to set up IPDS Print Server software and associate one hot folder with each non-IPDS printer. Unlike Virtual IPDS Printer software that only turns one non-IPDS printer into an IPDS printer, IPDS Print Server software can emulate IPDS printing for up to 255 non-IPDS printers on a host computer. The host computer can be a Windows server or a high-performance Windows workstation.


Six sub topics are included in this chapter,


- Where to obtain IPDS Print Server software

- Folder and Printer Association

- IPDS Printing Emulation

- Configuration Wizard

- Printer Activities Logging

- Auto Launch on System Startup


Before covering the above topics, users need to get familiar with the user interface of the configuration manager of the IPDS Print Server software,

